Ok, Mike, I'll play. Mike has tagged me with this offensive meme, and up until recently I didn't even know how to pronounce meme, so.
- Religions other than my own are wrong because ______
they don't rely on extraterrestrial transport to reach the next dimension.
- Although it's not politically correct, I like to make fun of _____
people I envy. Yeah, you and your snotty kids in private school and your stinking McMansion and your goddamn SUV with the stupid OBX sticker on the window...I'm talking to you.
- Ways that George Bush is not like the Anti-Christ include ______
um.....uh...other than the Anti-Christ being smart and articulate, I can't think of any. See

- The celebrity rumor that I wish to start is _____
Tom Cruise has a button penis.
- Kids suck because _____
They can eat Cocoa Puffs and Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter cereal together and not feel totally guilty when they wash it down with a mimosa.
Mike, are you checking my answers? Are they right?