That means swim season is over, and we can all relax for a few weeks. The boys slept in today. J awakens and comes downstairs to tell me about his dream. He just turned 9 over the weekend.
"Did you know I fell off the bed this morning?" he asks.
"Why, no. Are you ok?"
"Yeah. I had a dream about Chase Utley."
"What happened?"
"Well, we were in the parking lot of the supermarket. Chase Utley was there and said hi to you."

"He did? Did he give me a kiss too?"
"No." Damn!
Did he fondle or grope me in any way? "Did he at least give me his phone number?"
"No. He gave you a hug."
Hmmm. Was it a nice, firm, howdoyoudo hug? Was it a gentle nestling type of hug? Perhaps starting with a nice caressing along the arms, moving up through my hair? Or perhaps starting from behind so I can't see him, ending with a kiss on the back of the neck before he turns me around...

"Uh..what else did he...uhhhh..."
"He asked us to go the ball game."
"WHAT? He asked you too?" Damn.
"Yes. He had a limo! We didn't have a car because one was at the cousins' house and the other ran out of gas."
"Well, of course he had a limo. Did we go to the game?"
"Yeah, I was the bat boy."
"Well, that sounds like fun. For you."
Next time anyone around here has a dream about Chase Utley, it had better be me. And there better be sex, and plenty of it.
He does have quite the hitting streak going. Maybe he'll hit you next.
It ended last week at 35; for a baseball guy, you should know that.;) I think he's JUST old enough NOT to be young enough to be my son.
Oh carey carey carey. Closest I ever came to a sex dream with an athlete was with Karl Malone from Utah Jazz. It was close, so close. You know how I like those men bigger then me......
LOL Krissy! Yeah, see? Close but no cigar! (And I mean that in the Freudian sense!)
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