Ok, Mike, I'll play. Mike has tagged me with this offensive meme, and up until recently I didn't even know how to pronounce meme, so.
- Religions other than my own are wrong because ______
they don't rely on extraterrestrial transport to reach the next dimension.
- Although it's not politically correct, I like to make fun of _____
people I envy. Yeah, you and your snotty kids in private school and your stinking McMansion and your goddamn SUV with the stupid OBX sticker on the window...I'm talking to you.
- Ways that George Bush is not like the Anti-Christ include ______
um.....uh...other than the Anti-Christ being smart and articulate, I can't think of any. See

- The celebrity rumor that I wish to start is _____
Tom Cruise has a button penis.
- Kids suck because _____
They can eat Cocoa Puffs and Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter cereal together and not feel totally guilty when they wash it down with a mimosa.
Mike, are you checking my answers? Are they right?
Oooohhhh! Just absolutely LOVE the Tom Cruise rumor!!! P.S. I think you really do need to get out of that house! L
ok, I'll bite - is it meme like french for same? or meme as is someone who is all about themselves, an imei
good thing for lf and me that we drive old cars with no stickers - but we may be the only ones in our town who can boast that! LF, put that OC sticker back in the drawer where it belongs!
are your kids throwing back mimosas already? not that I can talk mwad
Your answers are correct! Please collect your prize at the blog meme verification office.
L, yeah, but I fear for my kids' adolescence if we move somewhere depraved like Haddonfield...
Mwad, is "m-wad" what you're calling yourself these days?
Thanks, Mike. I shudder to think what that prize might be.
sounds like maybe your neighbor would be a better fit for haddonfield
the jds' parents seem to be having a similar response to their victim as your neighbor did to you!
well, maybe i should go with mwd, drop that mistake out of my name now that phi is grown up
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