That's right: my own 5-speed Vibrating Chase Utley Bobblehead (see previous post).
This little gem was up for a silent auction Friday at our elementary school's annual Mayfair. I split my tickets between the Cole Hamels signed baseball (an investment) and the bobblehead (a dust collector). It was the last prize to be auctioned off. I was working the putting green ("No! Don't wave the clubs around like they're light sabres!" "No, YOU go get the ball, I told you not to hit it so hard." "No, I'm sorry, we're out of Ring-Pops.") when I heard my name announced...
...and literally squealed and skipped all the way to the table to collect my prize. "I won! I won!" I hollered. (I don't usually win stuff, so you can imagine my delight.) Boo was nearby, hiding his face in embarrassment, while I could hear Remy somewhere on the grounds going "woo-woo-woo!"
It doesn't much look like Chase, but I do like his little soul patch. Now the question is: do I save it forever in the attic and have it buried with me? Or do I take it out of the box and play with it?
Unless Chase Utley turns into Babe Ruth, his bobblehead is not going to be a major part of your financial future. Bust that packaging open and enjoy all his bobbly goodness.
Yes! Oh, YES, hot bobbly goodness!
Ya never know what will be worth money someday. If I'd known they'd be selling Quisp cereal in 2007, I'd have saved some old boxes of Quisp from 1970. AND Quake. Surely some nutcase on ebay would've bought 'em.
Ah, but Chase Utley's bobblehead could be part of your kid's financial future....
I was hoping the lottery would take care of that. Damn.
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