The Cialis commercials are really creeping me out. I guess now with football season upon us, so, too, will be more and more Cialis commercials.
The generic name for Cialis is tadalafil. As in, "Hey, honey, I have an erection. Ta-da!"
According to its website, Cialis improves the chance that a man will at least have one successful intercourse attempt. Multiple attempts per dose have not been studied.
Now, how would they study that? Wouldn't that be like watching porn? How would the conversation in the study lab go?
"OK, Steve, you've made a successful attempt at intercourse. Congratulations. You didn't....quite...get there, but you tried. Ok, now, I want you to keep trying."
"But I'm tired. I don't want to."
"Keep trying! You can do it, big guy! Millions of women worldwide are depending on you! C'mon, Steve, women love this stuff. C'mon, give it another shot. That's good. A little more to the left."
According to the website, Cialis has many benefits:
- Works for up to 36 hours.
- And, it also works fast.
How do you control that?
"Well, I don't want to have sex now for crissakes, but look: here's an erection. I wanted an erection 36 hours from now. What the HELL am I going to do with this? I'm in the frigging beer line at the ball game!"
It also
- Works effectively. As opposed to working ineffectively.
- No need to plan around meals. Great! You won't have to buy her dinner first!
- Lets you choose when the moment's right (for both you and your partner)
Believe me, your partner wants nothing to do with it.
I think the commercials creep me out because the guys all seem like these lecherous, horny old men. And their women are all fawning over this magic, mammoth hard-on. Then there's the porn movie music playing in the background.
And then, in one commercial, the spent, happy, post-coital couple is inexplicably lounging around in his-n-her matching claw-foot bathtubs on the rocky shore.
Him: "Ahhh, wasn't that a fabulous ROMP, dear?"
Her: "Whatever." Rolls eyes, heaves big sigh.
Him: "Let's try making multiple attempts, shall we?"
Her: "Hmmmm. I don't think so. That hasn't been studied. I wouldn't want you to break anything."
I feel like I need a bath after watching these commercials. I'm not sure who they're designed for: guys don't pay attention to this crap on TV. As for me, well, the only horny, middle-age guy I want to see running around naked with a hard-on is Viggo. (And he does in Eastern Promises, but he gets beat up in a Russian bath house knife fight. What a waste of full frontal nudity.)

Those commercials scare me a little too. I keep picturing flabby assed white guys walking around like zombies w/ boners.
But the I segue right into the guy who has to go to the ER w/ the 4 hour boner. Does he talk or just point? Can he be heard over the laughter of the ER staff?
Yeah, those pesky 4-hour humiliating that would be to have to walk into the ER with that.
Now, the Viagara commercials, while they've still got that porn-movie vibe, are at least a little more clinical. This is a major pharmaceutical we're talking about, not spanish fly. Whatever the hell that is. I never had one slipped into my drink; have you?
Once again, H, thank you for reading.
If you really hated those Cialis commercials, you wouldn't watch them. I think, you secretly love them, and maybe Cialis itself.
It's ok, Carey.
Well, we don't need Cialis in this household. My problem is I secretly love advertising.
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