I think God's probably pissed at us humans because we're mostly such horribly idiotic stewards of the earth and each other. For some reason, he decided to take a little terrorist action on my laundry line.

Yup. Nothing like a huge limb inexplicably dropping off an even more enormous oak tree to make you wake up and smell the fabric softener.
I think the national psyche will always be a little on edge on 9/11. But I don't waste a lot of time worrying about terrorists "following" us here. We've got quite enough local terrorists to go around.
The psycho neighbors, for example, and these mysterious late night prank phone calls we've been getting.
Or, today, some misanthrope decides to call in a few bombscares to the local county courthouse, thus putting one's children in "lockdown" mode at school.
Or, today, a homicidal escapee from the nearby mental hospital is reportedly roaming the local streets.
See? I don't need to look for terrorists abroad. They're literally in my backyard.
I think I see one under that branch! Probably trying to steal your laundry.
As it happens, after we cleared everything out, the laundry line survived! It actually buoyed the branch off the ground. That's what happens when you use 10-ton grade heavy duty coated mildew proof tow rope.
A sign from God, perhaps, that he approves of my meager effort to save a little energy.
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