Wednesday, September 26, 2007

more yelling

I'm not sure how the discussion came around to dead jews and slavery...according to one lady, we have a choice. Yay!

Yup. "Nobody likes war, but sometimes it's necessary." I'd like this gentleman to explain why, exactly, this particular war in Iraq is "necessary."

And then Bush has the nerve to say we still--still--need to be patient, and he needs $200 billion to fund more "necessary" war...yet there's not enough money for the SCHIP program? He's a fucking lunatic! Can't we just...coup, or something?

Ok, I've effectively raised my blood pressure for the day.


Anonymous said...

Can I watch when the top of your head blows clean off?

carey said...

I'm done now. I swear, watching this disaster of a foreign policy unfold is like driving by a bad accident.

It would help if I just...didn' MSNBC. Or read the papers, or otherwise keep up with current events. And now David Shuster is officially, albeit temporarily (because he's got a funny way of moving his mouth) on my hump island, I KNOW I need to just chill.