Monday, December 03, 2007

yeah, i got your wintry mix right here, pal

I can't seem to concentrate, so this is just stuff that occurred to me, like, just now, or that pisses me off.

Whose idea was it to make rice crispy, and then put it in chocolate? I mean, rice and chocolate. That's like sliced bananas on a saltine.

Weathercasters here in the Northeast use this term "wintry mix" to describe a windy, rainy, snowy, sleety, icy, crappy weather condition that up until recently had not had a suitable adjective to describe it. Now they say it all the time, because it's a "wintry mix" time of year. Every channel. All the time.

"This morning, look out for a 'wintry mix,' and don't forget your umbrella. You'll need it for that 'wintry mix'! Hahahaha! Back to you, Juanita."

I frigging hate that expression now. "Wintry mix." Sounds like it should be something happy and sparkly, with little sugar snowflakes and peppermint, bits of silver and blue, maybe a festive pudding or a bowl of candy or something. But no. It's not something to look forward to. It's something to fear, encouraging people to run to the Ack-a-me RIGHT NOW to load up on milk and salt and a shovel that will only fall apart the moment you use it on the "wintry mix" left behind.

Speaking of pudding, I hate it when you're at the cashier, at, say, the CVS, say, this morning, and the person behind you just can't manage to hold onto their stuff, and stands very, very, too close to you to facilitate placing it all on the counter while you're still standing there continuing your transaction. Or even in the Ack-a-me, when people just can't wait to put their stuff on the belt after you. You barely have begun to put the divider thingy on, and they're already piling up their shit on the 1/2 inch of belt left.

Ah, yes. It's that grouchy, ho-frigging-Mchoho time of year.


Anonymous said...

So, it's safe to say you're not done your shopping yet?

carey said...

It's safer to say I haven't started. Have you?

The only person I would expect to have their presents bought and neatly wrapped by now is, of course, L, but I dunno. She's slacking.

Mike said...

You don't like Nestle Crunch? I'll agree that the chocolate itself is subpar, but having little bits of crunch in the chocolate is delightful! I often buy a swanky dark-chocolate version of that type of bar. It's a household favorite here.

carey said...

No. No more than you like mashed potatoes. Krackles are no better. You're right; the chocolate is subpar, and Hershey's tastes like soap. Maybe my chocolate palate has become more refined with age.

I could go on a huge riff about chocolate in general. Maybe I will.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodie! I love when you rant. Yes, I'm almost done my shopping but only because it was easy this year. B got goalie equipment and A wants $$ to save for a car.
On another note,
I like Nestle's crunch and Krackles. Hell, I'd like Saltines if you dipped them in chocolate.