I got this in change the other day. A stamp like this would've come in handy back in my bar-hopping days. At the bar, enjoying a few cocktails...a guy buys you a drink and thinks that's a contractual obligation for sex later. You're not interested, so you make a bet:
"Ten bucks says you won't get lucky with me tonight."
But how can I possibly spend this? I mean, I thought this was funny, but I don't want to offend anyone. And I surely don't want people to think I'm sitting in my basement maniacally stamping away on all my currency. Perhaps I'll put it in the household emergency fund box, which I've just now invented.
I got this on the same day:
See there at the top? It says "I love you, cary 11-26-07" Maybe it says "cory." I can't tell for sure. In any event, that's almost me. Surely this is God's mysterious, cosmic way of telling me he loves me, even if he can't spell my name right. Although if he really wants to express his love for me via currency, if he really felt that way, he'd have showered me with a million of these. Hmmm.
Picky, picky. You finally get a signal from "on high" and you're still not happy.
I'll have to start checking my money more closely. But you can spend your scary 10 at the Ack-a-me. Just use the self pay aisle and put your money in the machine.
Well, he's omnipotent. The least he could do is spell correctly.
I think I'll hold on to the 10...ya just never know when the opportunity might arise to double my money.
Did you get one ten or two? I thought they were 2 seperate bills.
Just one ten. How lucky can you be?
Did you ever get one of those "Where's George" $1 bills that you can track its whereabouts? They're kinda cool. If I was really geeky I'd track every $1 bill I ever had. But I don't have time for that. Nosiree.
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