Why? I dunno. I'm mystified by this guy. Where the heck did he come from?
First of all, he's pretty hot for a 60-something guy. I'd do him, if Mick Jagger weren't around. Well, to be honest, the idea of doing Mick Jagger sets my teeth on edge. Ok, no Mick Jagger. Ok, still, for a friggin' 64-year-old, he's pretty fit. Ok, ok.
(Unfortunately, I'm at that awkward age where it's totally unrealistic to entertain the possibility of getting busy with a kid half my age; yet, the idea of doing some 60-year-old guy seems totally preposterous, because he's so OLD.)
So here's Mitt, a successful businessman (who has yet to divest himself of holdings in a company in Sudan, which promotes genocide) who happens to be a one-term governor, has this annoying tendency to "misspeak," and can't seem to make up his mind about important issues.
Who's very attractive. And articulate. Which, of course, makes him the antichrist.

And what's with the name, anyway? I just went along wth "Mitt" because I was too lazy to question it. "Mitt." Ok, the guy's named after a baseball glove. Mitt. It seemed odd that the MSM didn't pay more attention to his first name.
Mitt. Mitt. Mitt Romney. Nope, says CNN, nothing unusual about that, nosiree. I mean, they've got Wolf Blitzer on staff.
This started to bug me last night, after I'd been out with the girls and had a few blue hawaiians. Turns out--and I had to look it up because I truly had never heard the MSM use his real first name--Mitt's real first name is "Willard."
So, Willard conjures up a pretty negative image. Say it: President Willard Mitt Romney. Absolutely not.
In baseball, there are good baseball names, like "Jose," "Chipper," "Chase," "Wily Mo," "Crash," "Dizzy," "Catfish," "Rocco Baldelli."
"Mitt" is simply not a good presidential name. (Think "Grover Cleveland.") President Oven Mitt. President Baseball Mitt. President Mitten. It just doesn't work. And for that reason alone, the man should not be elected president.
So, who's your candidate?
How does one go from Willard to Mitt? Why not Will? You're right - I don't trust him either.
Mike, I don't know. I really don't. I like bits and pieces of all the Dems, but I'm not entirely happy with any of the packages. And if were to vote Rethug, it'd probably be Ron Paul but I don't think he'll last long. Plus he's a little loopy.
H, "Mitt" is his middle name. Not sure what it's short for, or maybe it's just "Mitt." Oddly, "Mitt" is almost "Will" but upside down.
According to Wikipedia, "He was named after hotel magnate J. Willard Marriott, his father's best friend,and Milton "Mitt" Romney, a relative who played football for the Chicago Bears."
The Milton to "Mitt" transistion is a more understandable jump.
Thanks for the chuckle - A different anonymous.
Milton. Ah, I guess that makes sense. Still, President Milton doesn't sound very "new millennium."
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