My girls team basically sucked, and I mean that with the utmost affection. Eleven and twelve-year-old girls are just simply whacked. Some are tomboys, some are girly girls, some would love to be anywhere but on the softball field, some are all enthusiasm and effort but still suck, and some are the divas who think they play well but don't. They actually improved as the season went on, however.
I managed them this year because none of their parents would. One player's dad helped me out sometimes, but really: these girls wouldn't have played if I hadn't coached them. And I said at the beginning, if one gal got through the season wanting to play next year, then I did my job.
So I keep it together during the last game. They play ok, but we lose. No biggie.
I give them each a silver softball angel charm and some Dubble Bubble. They gather in the dugout for my final words.
"Ok," I say. "Let me just say that it has been..."
Choke. Splutter.
" honor and a privilege..."
Sniff. Snort.
" have coached you this year."
Turn around, walk to the pitcher's mound, collect my thoughts, hold my head back so whatever tears are there will suck back into my eyeballs. Return to dugout.
"Ok, as I was saying. You gals have been the best..."
Anyway, I choke out whatever stupid final last parting thoughts I wanted to say, which I'm pretty sure the girls had already tuned out by that time.
But wait. Here's the team diva, getting up to give me a hug, looking teary-eyed. Here's one of the tomboys, a big galoot of a gal; she comes up, sniffling, gives me a hug, and says "I'm never letting you go."
Here's Taylor--who had never played before, who beamed each time she had the weakest of hits--who clinches it:
"I want to play again next year. Are you going to coach?" Follows with hug.
"Maybe," I say. "If you'll play on my team."

NJ State Champs, 1978