Wednesday, October 11, 2006

that sinking feeling

You know how after Christmas you get that deflated feeling, you have nothing to look forward to anymore? (And if you're like me, you hate New Year's?) Well, that's about how it is now that the 3-Day is done.

I'll go on about it in more detail (and pictures!) after I knock some articles out. Suffice it to say, I doubt I will ever again walk through large mobs (100s! 1000s of people!) offering encouragement, candy, free coffee and shots of Bailey's, cheering wildly that I've finally finished something.

60 miles. We did it.


Anonymous said...

60 miles! Congrats! And I see you've celebrated by posting a new profile pic, flaunting your sexy litte elbows. Nice.

carey said...

Yeah, well, since you made that comment about my head on my knee, I thought it was in order. But thanks for the compliment. I think.