So. We get a late start on the morning. Next thing we know, we're headed to South Street. All along the route there are these black arrows attached to poles and signs, so we know where we're going.
Now, we didn't have any team flair. Oh, we had all sorts of ideas: iron-on shirt transfers, matching hats, I would design a logo...but none came to fruition. My fault, really, for not putting more effort into it. So we didn't look much like a team, except we're all blonde (insert your own joke here.)
So we're on South Street, and we pass an accessory store. Scarves, earrings, hats, etc...and there it is: the perfect pink and white polka dotted scarf. Worn individually, it would look ridiculous, but 4 of them, worn as team flair...well, it probably still looked ridiculous, especially the way H knotted it up on L's head in a big bow. But at least we were now identifiable as a team.

We walk along South Street, down 2 Street, more candy, along Elfreth's Alley, where we meet this little puddle jumper. He's playing in what's left of the nor'easter. Did I mention the nor'easter?
We go on some more into Center City, and here we are, with the pink fountain at LOVE park:
My, we're just SPANKIN' aren't we? Note L's BIG BOW on left:

And no visit to Philly would be complete without posing with Rocky at the Art Museum. I would've expected one of us to make some kind of obscene gesture or grab Rocky's balls or something, but we were surprisingly well-behaved.
So on we go, along Kelly Drive...and we hear people talking about spending the night at the high school again, and we so DON'T want to do that so we get a cab to take us to a hotel.
We were rather lucky to get a cabbie where we did. And what a multi-tasker! He could talk non-stop on his cell with no headset, in a foreign language that none of us even remotely recognized, but we figured it was something close to...Swahili?...zipping and speeding faster and faster! through downtown. We were very impressed! Finally we get to the hotel, take nice showers, and zip off to the Continental, where we have fancy global-tapas food and my new favorite cocktail: a Hawaii 5-0 (vanilla vodka, triple sec, pineapple, lime juice. It was VERY good.)
After paying the huge bill, we walk off in our fashionable flip flops and t-shirts (none of us had brought real shoes) and settle into the comfy king-size beds. M and I stayed up to watch Little Miss Sunshine, which was funny, while H and L snored and farted in their sleep. I wisely chose not to get any pictures of that.
EXCUSE ME but it was only H farting in her sleep, and I had to sleep with her! Not only that but she kept hogging the bed!
Yeah, but if you were do you KNOW you weren't farting?
But I get it; H let one rip at the 4 Seasons...woke ME up, anyway, but I pretended to still be asleep so I wouldn't embarrass her. In hindsight I should've called her on it. ;)
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