Tuesday, February 13, 2007

everyone needs a little dickie

It's a lipstick! It's a crayon! It's both! I wonder what your body chemistry must be like if the lipstick turns yellow or green? Mighty unattractive body chemistry, I'd say. And what mood would you be in if your lips turned green? A vomitous mood? A reptilian mood? Who the hell thinks up this shit? And if it changes to match your mood....why do you need 12 different tubes?!

A lady never leaves her house without her lace dickie. Lord knows, I don't want to foist my massive, Grand-Canyon size cleavage on an unwitting public. But I have to disagree about the cold draft. Sometimes a gal likes a beer on her chest.

I've been working on these dreary articles about microbiology and genetics and microRNAs and ligands and dimers and anti-VEGF therapy and, well, I needed a little break here. Back I go.


Anonymous said...

Little dickies? Well, I suppose they are OK, however, I prefer at LEAST medium dickies! Oh! Also, I'd rather have a nice Merlot on my chest. Cold draft is too foamy and the color's not right for me!

BTW-Got the e-card...verrrrry funny!
Thanks & Happy VD yourself!! OXO ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh the fun I could have with the colors of the dickies.........

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like all the girls have chimed in now.

carey said...

Yeah, all you have to do is mention "dick" to get people talking.

carey said...

Hey, Mer...think fast! I'm throwing a NJ iceball at you for V-day.