Sunday, September 02, 2018

Five years

Well, here it is, September 2, 2018. Whaddya know?

Oh, I know: a lot of goddamn fucking shit has happened since I last posted.

First: My sister died August 7, 2015. Her days were numbered, of course, because she was an alcoholic. She was 63. Had some kind of seizure after having been hospitalized for the umpteenth time for some alcohol-fueled fall or complication or somesuch. She went home and seized up the next day. So her bf calls me and says "Yeah, I think this is the big one!" After many other "big ones" who's to say?

But just in case, I hopped in the car and rushed to the hospital, stopping at the wrong one along the way. I was in a race with her daughter to get there, and I arrived first, which made me feel like I'd won something. The privilege to see her dead body first, I suppose. I'd known her longer than her daughter so I thought I deserved to see her dead first. She didn't look too bad, considering, just like she was sleeping after a 30-odd year bender that included multiple trips to hospitals, rehabs, some respites taken on people's couches, living in her car, or in sleazy motels on the Black Horse Pike.  Took a photo. I won't share it here. I don't want to judge, but I'd say her life was a misery.

Her service was nice though; some of her oldest friends who she hadn't talked to in years showed up. I asked them if they ever hung out together (some still lived in Wenonah) and they said no. So I said you better get on that, you've known each other for more than 50 years! You're getting old! Life is short! And sure enough, several weeks later, someone in the group posted a photo of them out having cocktails or dinner or something. Good on them. Sometimes I give good advice.

My sister was cremated and she's in Shannon's basement now, I think. She was an organ donor--inasmuch as her organs could be useful to anyone, but whaddya know: they used her corneas and her skin. The recipient of her corneas sent Shannon a nice note saying he was able to see...I think Yosemite? Some national park for the first time. Her eyes were not very good, so that surprised me. And her skin helped a breast cancer survivor.

I guess even a life of misery still has gifts to give. RIP, Laur.

But that's not the only shitty thing that has happened in the last few years, which I will attempt to detail with some regularity and humor in the coming days.

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