Monday, September 08, 2008

spanish inquisition

Well, one new thing I'm participating in is a fantasy football league. Is that pathetic or what? I mean, I may as well attend a Star Wars convention.

My pal Conni suggested I join up and play along with my boss (Dave) and the A/V dude (Mcponytail) from my current job.

I had to think carefully about this. Is it good business sense to join your colleagues at sports bars for the purpose of drinking and relentlessly taunting each other? That's the kind of action I was promised if I joined up. I mean, never mind the actual games. So after thinking carefully for about a minute, I joined up.

First thing, of course, was the draft, which took place at an appropriately seedy bar, nestled within the reeds and cattails on a nearby Jersey swamp.

Dave and I wasted way too much time and paper at work the day before, printing rosters and draft info. He started it. So armed with our paperwork and folders and looking all important, we cut out on time (!) and headed to the bar.

The tables were set up to accommodate 10 managers, 5 women and 5 men. We drank some beer and drafted away.

My first pick was immediately greeted with catcalls and comments like "yeah, great pick for 3rd string," and "loser." Sassy talk like that. I think it was Alex Smith (who's got some shoulder problem; I dropped him yesterday.)

My next pick was a little more impressive: Plaxico Burress. Greeted with admiring grunts.

Aha, maybe I do know what I'm doing.

Or, maybe I couldn't deny myself the pleasure of drafting someone named "Plaxico." Yes, that's it.

Drafting continued, accompanied by more beer. Drafting ended, followed by more beer. In all, I probably drank more beer that night than I have...even since 4th of July. And I'm not a beer drinker. But the combination seemed to work, the beer and football, to prevent a hangover the next day. Because if there's something worse than having to face your kids when you're hungover, it's your desk at work.

On Thursday night, my team was in first place. By Monday night, my team--the Spanish Inquisition, with the Iggles defense--was next to last.

But it's not about the football. It's about the snarky repartee, the casually sarcastic aside, the playful sexual banter, the overtly hostile verbal abuse from friends and coworkers. I hope they're prepared. Because nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.


Mike said...

Look, I'm a fantasy football moron, having never won in nearly 15 years of playing the game, but even I wouldn't have drafted Alex Smith anywhere near the first half of the draft. Alex Smith even with a good shoulder is a crappy quarterback.

A semi 49ers fan

Anonymous said...

I am deeply in awe that you would even attempt fantasy football given your complete and utter lack of knowledge of the game. Carey, I salute you.
Who knows - you could even end up winning. I used to win football pools using a complex system of which quarterback was either better looking or had a nicer ass.

carey said...

Hi, Mike. Thanks for dropping by! I'm also a semi 49ers fan, back from the Joe Montana/Dwight Clark days. I dropped Alex Smith for JT O'Sullivan. Wait. Is that his name? Is he cute? Does he have a nice ass?

H, I do watch football, and I mostly get it, but I really couldn't get into all the paperwork involved with the draft. I don't know who any of these players are. I would've picked all number 33s if I knew who wore that number.

Mike said...

Well, both of J.T. O'Sullivan's arms are fully attached, so I guess that's an upgrade. Still sucks though.

carey said...

Ah, so THIS is how it is with you fantasy football types. THIS is the relentless taunting I was told about. Ok, WELL.

How's THAT for a cutting retort!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't know you watched football. I thought you were as clueless as I was.

Anonymous said...

Watch out... I bet my 13 year old is going to kick your ass, maybe even my husband! Now there's something to look forward to! L.

carey said...

And I DO believe I won the 3rd week, bringing me all the way up from last to 7th place! Yay football!